ISE I Marked Sample Answers – Task 4 Learning a foreign language


In this download you can find a sample Task 4 Extended Writing question for ISE I about the subject area ‘Learning a foreign language‘, as well as three sample answers to the question and their marks and rationale. The question asks students to write a descriptive essay.

You can use the sample answers in class with your students to demonstrate what works and what mistakes they need to avoid. You can give the students the ISE I Task 4 Extended writing rating scale (you can find it in the back of the ISE I Guide for Teachers or here) and ask them to allocate a score for each of the criteria and then compare it with the scores we have given. This helps the students to become more aware about what is being asked of them in this task.

You can find more information about ways to use marked sample answers in our blog post here.

We hope you find it useful :)

File: Extended writing ISE I essay Learning a foreign language


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