GESE 10 Designer Goods Listening Prompts

In this download you can find examples of Type 1 and Type 2 listening prompts for the Trinity GESE 10 exam, all focused on the subject area of DESIGNER GOODS.
In the Advanced Phase of the GESE exam, there is a listening phase where students have to listen to three short passages and either suggest a suitable ending (Type 1), or answer a question about the passage (Type 2). The listening tasks are not related to the subject areas so that there is an unknown element to the exam. However, it is useful to practise listening tasks that are focused on the subject areas in order to give students practice in recognising the vocabulary of the area. In addition, they provide extra practice in the close listening skills the students require in order to do well in this part of the exam.
In this download, you can find a handout with 10 Type 1 listening tasks and 10 Type 2 listening tasks. All of the passages relate to the DESIGNER GOODS subject area so students will have a chance to recycle and review much of the vocabulary for this area. This will also serve them well for the conversation phase of the exam.
How to use the GESE 10 Designer Goods Listening Prompts
You can use the passages by simply reading them out and asking students to write/say their responses. Alternatively, you can cut up the passages into cards and students can work in pairs, taking turns to ask each other. It is also useful to go through the answers as a class after doing the listening tasks so that students can analyse the language and see where they had problems. You also might want to ask the students to write their own passages!
Download the file by clicking on the red button below.
File: GESE 10 Designer Goods Listening Prompts
Why not try our other GESE 10 resources? We have more listening prompts for the other subject areas, as well as conversation question cards, lesson plans and vocabulary handouts :)